23 june 2022
Kickback schemes revealed
Corrupt payment is a common practice in retail trade. The "remuneration" usually amounts up to 15% of the contract price. Eliminating the kickbacks from the business chain significantly reduces spendings for companies: Our clients set the detection of kickback schemes in their business as a priority and are ready to take preventive measures.

This investigation was initiated after a supplier submitted an application claiming the impossibility of concluding a contract for the supply of goods despite competitive bids. The staff security service inspected the case and found no violations. The internal audit revealed a deviation in the cost of outgoing contracts from the average market indicators. An independent investigation by Intrace Group found out that the procurement department head was affiliated with a number of vendors and received regular gratuities from them. At the interview phase, the manager admitted his guilt and cooperated with the employer to settle the case. Along with the investigation report, the client also received recommendations on updating the current internal security controls.